Home Stretch – What’s Next?
Home Stretch of 2024. Less than 7 weeks until we usher in 2025! The major US stock market indexes are enjoying double digit gains: The major international stock market index averages are trailing the US: Bond yields have remained range bound most of 2024, however the 10-year US Treasury ended last week with a yield […]
Welcome back to our weekly retirement blog!
Much has transpired since our last blog! The Election and the Fed The Presidential election has both candidates promising to spend more taxpayer’s dollars. Hey, the easiest money to spend, someone else’s! Increased government spending in the short-term increases economic activity and can uplift corporate profitability. Combine our massive government spending along with recent productivity […]
September – A Crescendo of Uncertainty!
As the stock market reminded us last week, September can be a notoriously tough month for investors. Historically, this time of year brings heightened volatility, and 2024 may be shaping up to be no different. With uncertainty swirling around the economy, markets, and politics, it’s important to maintain a clear head. After all, volatility is […]
Sea-Change in the Markets?
Was last week a one-off or the start of a sea-change? There have not been many weeks in 2024 when the Nasdaq has underperformed the other major stock indexes. The major economic news last week was the headline Consumer Price Index (CPI) fell .01 last month. The tame CPI report impacted investment returns last week […]