Welcome back to our weekly retirement blog!
Much has transpired since our last blog! The Election and the Fed The Presidential election has both candidates promising to spend more taxpayer’s dollars. Hey, the easiest money to spend, someone else’s! Increased government spending in the short-term increases economic activity and can uplift corporate profitability. Combine our massive government spending along with recent productivity […]
Stock Market Predictions for 2021

The major brokerage firms have made their US Stock Market Predictions for 2021. Year end 2021 targets for the S&P 500 range from a low of 3800 by Bank of America and Citi to a high of 4700 by Goldman Sachs and 4800 by J.P. Morgan. The S&P 500 finished 2020 at 3756, so all […]
Coronavirus…US Debt now $23 Trillion… & an early Spring!

Market Pullback (Coronavirus) or Correction? I don’t know why I become amazed at the dramatization on the business/market news station I listen to and watch! Yes I certainly understand the markets pulled back last week, dropping Major Stock Indexes into negative territory for the 1st month of 2020. I guess it’s all about drama, as […]
Markets Continue to Rise… But For How Much Longer?

Markets Continue to Rise… But How Much Longer? Election Process to Begin Shortly! Fun Stuff! Today the markets will not rise or fall. The markets are closed to celebrate the Life and Achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights leader well-known for his contribution to ending racial segregation and for racial equality. It’s […]
Markets, Iran, and the Secure Act!

Markets Flat in the Short New Year’s Week & Geopolitical Tension Rising! Welcome to Year 2020! This promises to be an exciting year based upon what may transpire with our 2020 Presidential Election and the campaigning over the next 11 months. Typically I do not discuss politics in our blogs, however with the feeling that political […]
Markets March Higher to End of Decade! & A Pay It Forward Story…

Wow, the end of the decade! Do you remember where you/we were a decade ago, on December 31st 2009? I certainly don’t need to remind anybody of the state of the economy at that point compared to today. So much has happened and I’ll leave the media the opportunity to report the dramatic. The much […]
Markets Continue to Melt Higher & Secure Act Part of Spending Bill

On behalf of Retirement Refined, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanza! I hope all of you are able to take time to relax, appreciate all the good in your lives, spend time with family and friends and please make sure you tell everyone who your care about, […]
Tons of News!! // China Phase One // Brexit //Impeachment

China – Phase One After the turn of the New Year, the US and China are expected to sign “Phase One” of a new trade deal. While there are many details yet to be learned, we now know that the new round of consumer oriented tariffs that were to go into place yesterday, 12/15, are […]
Jobs Report Leaves Markets Flat Last Week & December 15 Tariffs?

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! Last Friday’s job report showed the US adding 266,000 jobs in November, bolstered by the return of formerly striking GM employees. The prior 2 months were revised adding an additional 41,000 jobs. The unemployment rate came in at 3.5%, which is an absolute WOW!!!!!! No wonder why restaurants, stores and the roads […]