Taxes, who pays?
Is the Income tax system truly fair? It depends on your knowledge of the system and your perspective. I recently read an article in the Wall Street Journal, stating 38.3% of taxpayers paid 61% of all Federal Income Tax in 2022. Breaking it down, the top 1%, which represented 1.5 million returns, had an Adjusted […]
Home Stretch – What’s Next?
Home Stretch of 2024. Less than 7 weeks until we usher in 2025! The major US stock market indexes are enjoying double digit gains: The major international stock market index averages are trailing the US: Bond yields have remained range bound most of 2024, however the 10-year US Treasury ended last week with a yield […]
Soft Landing?
A slowing economy without tipping into a recession is the current definition of a soft landing. Are we on pace? As of now, I vote the answer is yes, however, far too early to conclude. Inflation continues to modestly abate, as last week the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reported in line with expectations. Unemployment claims […]
Federal Reserve and Interest Rates
The stock and bond market are attempting to price in the “right” amount of Federal Reserve interest Rate cuts over the next several months. Powell and company next rate announcement will be on September 18th. Last week we heard both the Producer Price Index (PPI) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reported as desired. The […]
New Sheriff in Town – Changes are Coming!

Markets Pause? The news of President Elect Biden’s new rescue $1.9 Trillion plan could not keep the markets moving higher last week. Perhaps, progress about the vaccine distribution process is starting to concern the markets a bit. The markets have been fixated on monetary (the Fed) and economic stimulus since 2009. More and more each […]
Stock Market Predictions for 2021

The major brokerage firms have made their US Stock Market Predictions for 2021. Year end 2021 targets for the S&P 500 range from a low of 3800 by Bank of America and Citi to a high of 4700 by Goldman Sachs and 4800 by J.P. Morgan. The S&P 500 finished 2020 at 3756, so all […]
Stimulus 2.0 is Here! / China- Important? / Happy New Year!

Stimulus 2.0 is here China- Important? Happy New Year Finally, after months of debate, Stimulus 2.0 is ready to go. Stimulus checks should be in process rather quickly. The stimulus includes $600 checks to eligible individuals, expansion of the Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses, Medical Expense Deduction hurdle made permanent, Charitable Contributions, Flexible Spending […]
Stocks Down-No Stimulus Yet & Info on Biden Income Tax Platform (GA)

Stocks Down – No Stimulus Yet Biden Income Tax Platform (Georgia) Stocks took a breather last week as the stimulus stalemate overshadowed the vaccine distribution plan that is creating optimism. It appears most of the stimulus debate is in the details, and not the size. Let’s hope this gets done ASAP, as we currently have […]
Stock Market and Biden/Employment Data will Matter/2021 Tax Chart

Stock Market and Biden Employment Data will Matter 2021 Tax Chart I think it’s safe to say, President-Elect Joe Biden will be our next president, barring something even more significant than a completed “Hail-Mary” pass. Stock markets certainly can be influenced by politics however, as of now, the markets have no issue with the changing […]